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We Stand For U Association

Just A Little Help Can Make Their Hearts Happier.

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Always give without remembering and always receive without forgetting.

Daniel Muszkat, Founder & President of the nonprofit French Association “We Stand For U”, has been a resident of Kyiv, Ukraine for more than 3 years now.

Daniel Muszkat has served as one of SIX MIGA (Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency) exclusive and authorized agents Worldwide. MIGA is a member of the World Bank Group.

While still in Tel Aviv, Daniel excelled in his social and organizational skills and held a number of positions in which he stood out in his approach to helping countries and organizations in crisis. Daniel toured countries in Africa and Eastern Europe and thanks to his natural grace, he forged ties with local leaders and assisted them with economic and entrepreneurial matters, and with the World Bank lending.

In his activities across the globe, he created a wide array of acquaintances and personal connections with the heads of companies and corporations, and used them in his social activities.

As a resident of Kyiv and someone who built an extensive social network in the Ukrainian capital, he felt the impending Russian attack. He did not believe Putin’s statements that Russia did not intend to attack Ukraine. From the history and personal experiences of Jews in Europe, who refused to accept that a war was coming and preferred to believe the British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain’s promise of “peace for generations” after his meeting with Hitler in Berlin, Daniel knew that they paid with their lives.. After the war began, Daniel relocated to Paris.

From the moment the war broke out and Russians began shelling the Ukrainian cities, Daniel Muszkat realized that his job was to use his skills and connections to help the people of Ukraine in distress, especially those in bombed-out cities where many residents were left homeless, looking for any way to escape the Ukrainian inferno.

Based on his experience of individual fundraising activities to funding the rescue of refugees on chartered buses, Daniel concluded that the situation made it necessary to establish an association in Paris to raise money from every possible source and apply special marketing methods to rescue refugees from Ukraine, and to deliver any humanitarian aid to cities, parties and bodies in need. He personally approached people he knew and those he reached out through others encouraging them to contribute to the rescue mission. The principle that guided him was that any amount of donation would help save refugees. He will arrange and initiate fundraising events, exhibitions and collaborations with artists from around the world and from Ukraine to raise funds.

The association he heads is still in its infancy, but it has already managed to create a reputation and resonance. Entrepreneurs in France and in Israel have expressed their willingness to join the association and contribute to its causes. Alongside them are young volunteers in France, Israel and Ukraine who have heard of the association and expressed interest in joining and assisting it. Hospitals that received assistance from the association expressed their appreciation for life-saving donations.

Daniel Muszkat is the son of attorney Yoram Muszkat, one of Israel’s top lawyers with an international reputation.

As long as the war continues, and also after that, the association will continue its numerous rescue and assistance missions. Daniel Muszkat is waiting for the storm to subside to return to Kyiv and from there, continue the great mission he has taken on.

The association, established in April 2022, has set itself the goal of raising funds for the residents of Ukraine and for any entities in need, such as hospitals in the bombed-out cities. The association will organize and hold fundraising events through well-known producers and will work to raise funds in France, Switzerland, Israel, and later – in more countries. Using the money coming to the association’s account, it intends to purchase humanitarian equipment, medicines and any other equipment required by parties/agencies/hospitals in need, according to requests for help that the association‘s Founder & President receives from hospitals in Kyiv and other cities. Those include Irpin, Bucha, Kharkiv, Chernihiv and later, Mariupol and any other regions and cities in need.

Donationa are made through the website of the association. The website has the “DONATE NOW” button and donors may transfer their donations via PAYPAL or CREDIT CARDS. Donors will be able to enter the site and donate to the PAYMENT SOLUTION of the donor’s choice.

The association will use well-known sources and individuals for its large-scale recruitment through social networks, such as Facebook and Instagram.
Even before the association was formally established, Daniel Muszkat initiated personal contacts with officials in Kharkiv and Chernihiv, after he had watched an interview with the mayor of Chernihiv on CNN. As a resident of Kyiv for more than three years, the Founder & President of the association is personally aware of the situation in the city and its needs, and is also ready to assist any city damaged in the war.

The association will publish a bulletin about casualties in various cities, the damage they suffered, the condition of the hospitals in those cities and in their vicinity, damage to churches, synagogues and mosques and the rate of damage and abandonment of pets.

Initially, the association will focus on humanitarian aid and later – on other requests for assistance.

The Founder & President of the association may be reached by e-mail: daniel.muszkat@wsfu.org

Delores Mills


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Delores Mills


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Delores Mills


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